
Eyricka Morgan New Brunswick NJ Transgender woman stabbed to death

Originally reported as the murder of a man the New Brunswick Patch's updated article Boarding House Victim was Transgender Woman and Advocate, Friends Say properly identifies her as a transgender woman.

Eyricka attended a Queer Newark' Conference in 2011 and was interviewed by the school's media illustrating how hard it can be for LGBTQI youth in urban areas:

Eyricka Morgan, 23, a transgender Newarker and Rutgers student, remembers when family members told her “all gay men have AIDS’’ and forbid her from dressing like a woman. “I had to make a decision. Either I be myself or let others control me. So at 14 or 15, I packed up all my stuff and I left.’’

HT Lexi Cannes

Police continue to investigate and ask anyone with information to call Det. Kenneth Abode of New Brunswick Police at (732) 745-5200 or Investigator Jose Rodriguez of the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office at (732) 745-3300.


Photo shopped Picture slamming the Salvation Army does no good

Update 12/9/2013. TRV has since changed the original image to a obviously staged picture.
You can still see the original cached image from the site here.
This change in imagery only serves to highlight the ill intent of the article as the content remained the same. 
There is a story circulating the Internet and facebook with a very disturbing picture featured. It shows two happy young woman fund raising for the Salvation Army but the disturbing sign between them says "Gays Not Allowed". The story is presented as current news and combined with the visual has elicited strong angry reaction from the LGBT community.

The picture to the right published by June 13 by  The Gay Voice News (TGV) in a article titled "Salvation Army says Gays Need to Be Put to Death” was originally publicised by the Pegasus news Dec 22, 2009.

The accompanying story that TGV calls "recent" was from 2012. The Salvation Army has already apologized for the Australian official who made that anti LGBT statement in June of 2012. The TGV did publish the Salvation Army's apology without dating it, but left out this part of the apology:
“The Salvation Army sincerely apologises to all members of the GLBT community and to all our clients, employees, volunteers and those who are part of our faith communities for the offence caused by this miscommunication.”
The problem being is the photo has been photo shopped without any disclaimer and the story is old.

I use pictures freely (fair use) on the planetransgender so it would be fair to say I'm the pot calling the calling the kettle black. But In my humble opinion, as a blogger this "News" story does LGBT people no good. It should be edited if it is to be presented as news. OK so the Salvation army isn't the most inclusive of organizations but this story is at best just muckraking. At worst its blatant hate mongering by a news source.


Gullasmag and other TERF revel in transgender Homecoming Queen's tearful video

Last Friday night Cassidy Lynn Campbell won the OC Homecoming Queen broke and broke down in tears of joy.  It was a wonderful moment in this teenagers short life, in her experience the most important thing that could happen to her.

I and many others celebrated her victory but were horrified as shortly afterwards her tears of joy turned into tears of agony.

Who would do this to her?

Cassidy Lynn had read the comments about her winning. There were many who attacked her, belittled her experience, called her a boy and did everything else they could think of to make her feel bad, just like Gullasmag did on GenderTrender. 

Comments on "Gendertrender regarding Cassidy's pain...

As if we needed more proof that TERF are scum. Gendertrender has intentional tailored there SEO so when people google planetransgender they also see gullasmag. What if this young girl commits suicide gullusmag? Here's the proof for the attorneys if they need it. You and your crew belittled her, intimidated her and intentionally caused her pain. I hope her family sues you for every penny you have. I hope they investigate who made those terrible comments on her video. I would put money on it a TERF made at least some of those awful comments.


TERF Julie Bindel withdraws from a porn debate blaming trans people and allies for threats

The highly respected UK organization TransMedia Watch tweeted about TERF Julie Bindel's announcement that she was withdrawing from a university debate on whether or not porn is empowering for women.  In a revealing set of tweets Bindel revealed her true motivation for withdrawing.

Source The Independent: "Bindel was invited to speak at the Manchester Debating Union event against the motion that porn empowers women, but her role in the lineup alongside No More Page 3 founder Lucy Holmes and former porn actress Renee Richards was met with fierce criticism from students and transgender activists."

"The opposition is thought to stem from an article on transgender issues that Bindel wrote for The Guardian in 2004, in which she described gender reassignment clinics as places where lesbians can go to ‘have their breasts sliced off and a penis made out of their beer bellies".

Further controversial comments included the apparently dismissive conclusion, "I don’t have a problem with men disposing of their genitals, but it does not make them women, in the same way that shoving a big of vacuum hose down your 501s does not make you a man".

It's unknown what if any protests were made to Bindel's approaching appearance by trans peoples and our allies or whether there was in fact any protests planned in the event she appeared like the ones in 2008 here and here. However Independent, repeating a byline does not make it the fact.

I want to reiterate my strong condemnation of violence or the threats of violence. If it were in fact a trans person who made those purported threats against Bindle I would advocate for justice, but with that being said, its a all to common practice of TERF's to put themselves in a position where they can claim rape and other threats were made against them, usually by trans people.

Bindel's ltweet on this qualifies may last statement all too well

She later tweets trying to qualify 'tiny'.

Which to some extent is true. There is a contingent within our community who are, like myself, rather militant in response to TERF rhetoric but for good reason. TERF's like Bindel have honed there skills in provoking angry responses, obfuscating truths and derailing conversations to a fine art. And just like this instance, in hopes of placing themselves in the victim role.

And for the record it's not a tiny minority Bindel. The overwhelming majority of trans people respond to TERF transphobia in one way or another be it cerebral or militant in nature. That may seem like a ineffectual response to you since we are in truth a 'tiny' minority but even more ineffectual is your worn out dog eared victim card.

And isn't sad that we agree on so many feminist issues like the one you could have spoken up about?

Seamus Johnston sues Pittsburgh University after being expelled for being transgender

From being declared Persona Non Grata, citations for lewd behaviour for using the men's locker room, mandated on campus reparative therapy, forced surgical body modifications and being falsely indicated by UPITT in bomb threats resulting in a grand jury investigation, transman Seamus Johnston has every right to seek justice.

Former UPitt honor student Seamus Johnston has filled a lawsuit (embedded below) claiming the school arrested and subsequently expelled him on the basis of gender expression resulting in the deprivation of his rights guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment.

Seamus (pronounced Shame-us) was participating in a campus for credit weight training class and had used the men's locker room during October and November uneventfully. But after the student news paper published a article titled "Transgender student claims discrimination" that the school served him with the first of many citations for disorderly conduct.

That was just the beginning of the retaliation Seamus would endure.

Mr. Johnston was disciplined in the form of expulsion following two times where he was observed using men's restrooms. He was expelled ostensibly because he used men's facilities while having a female sex designation on his student records even though his drivers license indicated he was male. He would not have been subject to discipline if UPJ had not refused to correct the sex designation on his student records.

On December 2, 2011, the UPJ Campus Police filed a criminal complaint, charging Mr. Johnston with violations of 18Pa.C.S.A. § 3127(a) – Indecent Exposure (M2), 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3503(b)(1)(i)– Criminal Trespass (M3), and 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 5503(a)(1) – Disorderly Conduct (M3).

On May 30, 2013, after multiple attempts over 16 months to get the charges dismissed or withdrawn for lack of probable cause, Mr. Johnston plead guilty to the reduced charges of Trespass and Disorderly Conduct .

On January 20, 2012, Mr. Johnston presented his story of discrimination at a meeting of the University Senate Anti-Discriminatory Policies Committee (“ADPC”) in Pittsburgh.

On February 21, 2012, the ADPC unanimously passed a resolution recommending that the University nondiscrimination policy should operate according to the sex with which the person identifies now, not their natal sex, noting that birth-certificate verification might be in violation of the University's Non-Discrimination Policy and city ordinances,and that this should apply to all regional campuses.

Shortly afterwards an anonymous representative from UPITT administration informed the ADPC and others for the first time that the school would only accept a birth certificate or court order as proof of gender.

You can follow Seamus's case on Facebook and Twitter @sspjohnston.

All of this litigation takes courage and money so Seamus has started a crowd source funding campaign.


For the kids: LGBT United we stand against NOM's AB 1266 referendum campaign

HRC Exposes this hate group: "NOM is trying to connect it back to Prop 8 because they want you to think that this is well within its stated cause of "protecting marriage."  But it isn't.  This new law has absolutely nothing to do with marriage—zero. zilch. nada.—and everything to do with making the school day safer for one of the nation's most vulnerable populations of young people.  NOM's choice to endorse this wholly unrelated measure is just further proof that NOM's agenda is an anti-LGBT one that never had any intention on stopping at our marriage rights.
Of course it's not a big surprise to see NOM making this choice, considering that NOM's own political director, Frank Schubert, is the campaign manager for this repeal effort.  In that regard, there is, in fact, a marriage connection: Schubert, who lost all four marriage fights in November 2012, is running out of marriage campaigns off which to collect his millions, thus the need for new endeavors.  Since he and they are running out of loving couples to force to pause their lives, Schubert and NOM are just moving their muscle over to the awesome little kids who simply want to live truthfully and learn safely."
HRC reports that NOM wouldn't even exist if not for the 10 top donors who contributed $8,326,000 or 90.5% of its declared revenue in 2010.

NOM's signature gatherers won't mention that there has never been a lawsuit brought against a transgender student alleging any improprieties in public accommodations but they will parrot this paragraph from NOM's website, They hope to instill a sense of dread in the uninformed and pander to bigots:

From NOM's webpage:
"Not even two short months after the US Supreme Court refused to uphold the right of over 7 million Californians to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the California Legislature passed AB 1266, the school co-ed bathroom law," said Brown. "They are forcing our school children to be exposed in showers and bathrooms to members of the opposite sex who claim a 'gender identity' with that sex."
*Trigger warning. The CNN talking head incorrectly says a transgender person 'chooses' which restroom they want to use suggesting a transgender person could make daily reversals of there gender. Undeterred by her blatant bias Masen makes a great case for transgender student equality.

If anything NOM's latest hate campaign should unite our community as never before. For the kids.